Administer visitors conveniently using effective visitor management

Manage visitors in a simple and user friendly way – with JaniVisit

Whether you’re hosting consultants, third-part contractors or project employees – your company or institution will need to provide temporary access to specific areas. The JaniVisit module from Drakos keeps your visitor management running smoothly by reducing the load on your reception or checkpoint personnel while also provided the highest-possible security for your business.

Using JaniVisit, you can create new visitor accounts in just a few clicks, then assign access rights to the necessary spaces at the necessary times and then print out an ID immediately. To simplify registration, information about a visit can be entered in advance. When the guest arrives, the employees at reception then need only select the appropriate entry, note the time of arrival and hand out the ID. The visitor is notified about the pre-registration by email. An ICS file can be attached to this email so that the appointment can be imported into Outlook. With JaniVisit Pro, it is also possible to send a QR code that enables convenient check-in.

JaniVisit also offers the option of recording additional information such as vehicle licence plates and legitimation/security documentation. Beyond this, persons who are barred from access under any circumstances can also be flagged in the system. Because JaniVisit is a module of JaniWeb, it links directly to your access management system (JaniAccess is a prerequisite), meaning you have control at all times of who can access what and when, even for visitors.

JaniVisit by Drakos | Manage visitors

Keep visitors in view at all times

JaniVisit provides an clear overview of which visitors are currently on premises or are expected. And if you need greater details: The extensive analysis function in JaniVisit lets you see a detailed list at any time of all past visits, including the option to export to the PDF, CSV (Excel) or XML formats. Here too, all information is anonymised in accordance with GDPR rules and regulations.

Your advantages with JaniVisit

  • Quick and simple logging and administration of visitors using any modern web browser
  • Secure assignment of access rights through direct connection to access management (JaniAccess is a prerequisite)
  • Differentiation between one-off visitors (visitor pass only) and recurrent visitors such as third-party vendors visiting on multiple days (ID)
  • Convenient administration of third-party vendors
  • Direct creation and output of visitor IDs and visitor passes
  • Pre-registration of visitors simplifies the registration process
  • Overview of upcoming, current and past visits
  • Filtering by location (only visits to own location are shown)
  • Link to other JaniWeb modules (JaniAlarm, JaniAccess)

Learn more:

JaniVisit by Drakos | Manage visiting companies JaniVisit by Drakos | Manage visits

JaniVisit Pro: Visitors and employees of external companies register themselves

You don’t have your own reception or would like to relieve your employees? With JaniVisit Pro, visitors can register themselves. This saves time and simplifies the process.

Create a defined, customised process for both day visitors and external company employees staying longer, enabling your guests to carry out registering in easy-to-follow steps on a standard tablet, PC or IPC, regardless of their location. Display safety instructions for critical areas, non-disclosure agreements or other documents in PDF format for your guest to sign on screen or via a signature pad. And issue a visitor ID at the same time via a connected printer.

Selection dialogue
Drakos JaniVisit Pro | Data entry
Data entry
Drakos JaniVisit Pro | Display documents
Display documents
Drakos JaniVisit Pro | Sign documents
Sign documents

Prefill via QR code

In order to avoid misunderstandings and incorrect entries, the inviting employee can fill out a pre-registration form in advance and send the visitor an automatically generated QR code. The visitor holds this QR code up to the camera of the tablet, PC or IPC during self-registration, causing the input mask to fill in automatically.

What happens after check-in?

As soon as the visitor has checked in, the inviting employee receives an email notification and the visitor is marked as active in the system. This is useful in companies that have no reception, for example. Alternatively, it is possible to categorise the guest as expected and only mark them as active when they report to reception.

Multilingual interface

The visitor self-registration user interface is available in English and German. Language selection is a separate operating step and therefore cannot be overlooked.

Language flags English/German