Effective management key to mastering complex access situations
Designing access flexibly – with JaniAccess
Modern access control systems can only work effectively when they can adjust flexibly to changing requirements without sacrificing on administrative or operative security. JaniAccess from Drakos puts all elements of your access control system at your fingertips, with the familiar convenience of a web browser. Combine your company’s access devices into geographical or functional groups, formulate person groups (including those based on groupings in your ERP system/SAP) and time models, and easily assign access rights for entire departments or individual employees. This flexibility means you can not only assign individual employees rights as desired, but can also put time limits on those rights.
You define who may enter which areas and when
If, for example, maintenance workers need access to technical rooms only at certain times, than you can create a relevant group of persons, apply a suitable time model and group of relevant devices and then link them all together – and presto, you’re done! Any adjustments to access rights take immediate effect at the terminals. While time models are used to regulate rights for weekdays and times of day, you can also limit access to a specific time period, such as 25 March to 5 April – separately for any set of persons, physical area and time of day.
Person groups can be based on almost any set of characteristics, including ID number ranges, cost centres, plant data collection groups or more. This gives you precise control over how access control is implemented for your personnel structure. The same applies for geographical controls: Device groups can be formulated flexibly, such as a terminals in one area or also offices in various buildings.
Reporting: Your company’s security, always in view
JaniAccess provides the reporting you need to review currently assigned access rights, at any time and for both areas and persons. You’ll always know who entered which room and when, or which persons had access to which area. Data privacy is strongly protected here: JaniWeb’s built-in role management ensures that access is only possible in compliance with the GDPR and can only be carried out by authorised persons, including in accordance with the dual control principle.
Reports on historical access and time postings can be created quickly for export to standard file formats. Need to know whether someone is currently checked in? Then request specific or current check-ins across the time period of your choice. All queries can be stored, sent periodically at a time of your choice and reused.
Modular concept: you determine which functions you need
JaniAccess is a module from the JaniWeb web management system by Drakos. By combining it with other modules, you can tailor its functionality to meet your precise needs.
Using JaniVisit, for example, you can expand access management to include powerful user management functions, including pre-registration, print-out of IDs and reporting. With JaniVisit Pro, you enable your visitors to register themselves conveniently on a computer or tablet. The process is defined by you and you always have control over the procedures.
And JaniAlarm keeps you informed about disruptions to access management and can even save lives through evacuation lists should a catastrophe strike.
Your advantages with JaniAccess
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