Clear overview of attendance times, always up to date

Better overview, better planning — with the Attendance Board

Companies with reliable data on whether their employees are on site or not spend less time calling around or waiting for answers. Our virtual attendance board features traffic light visuals to show where people are at a glance. A wealth of information is conveyed in a flash: which employees are on break, or are out of office for one or more days. Their contact data is also included.

Not everyone needs that data

While key contact data is stored in the system, privacy rules and common courtesy demand that not everyone have access to that information. The integrated rights system ensures that each user truly only sees the data to which he or she is authorised to see.

More efficient planning

The attendance board is more than just an effective informational tool. It also aids in internal planning and decision making, such as for:

  • Status checks: department heads and managers can see immediately who has arrived for work and who is missing, and why
  • Meeting and staffing planning: are all team members available today for an unplanned meeting?

Main features

  • Clear display of attendance and absences of all employees
  • Differentiation between breaks, off-site work and absences
  • Display of planned absence days for all employees
  • Evaluation of the data from the subsystem (terminal) and directly from SAP
  • Organisational structure by department, directly from SAP
  • Search by name or ID number
  • Integrated credentialing system