Access by license plate recognition
Even more security and convenience for access control: Licence plate recognition
In companies where employees and visitors enter the company premises in vehicles, the “Licence Plate Recognition” add-on module can be a useful addition to JaniAccess and/or JaniVisit. Licence plate recognition helps to automate the access control process. To do this, you first store a licence plate number in the master data record for the person concerned, which is then treated like an ID number.
Automation prevents mistakes
Instead of having to check each vehicle manually, the system automatically records the licence plate numbers of the vehicles entering and compares them with the internal database. If the data matches, a connected access manager triggers a process such as opening a barrier. The persons concerned are then labelled as active visitors in the software, for example. If necessary, further actions can follow, such as notifying the visited employee.
The result: Porters and receptionists are relieved of routine, error-prone tasks. Porters and receptionists are relieved of routine, error-prone tasks. They can rely on the system to detect both wanted and unwanted access and provide them with exactly the information they need to respond quickly and appropriately. This increases security and ensures that only authorised vehicles and persons can access the site.
Fulfilling security standards and compliance requirements
While security personnel benefit from easier logging and monitoring, Drakos’ licence plate recognition also improves the traceability of vehicle movements by storing the processes in the database in an audit-proof manner. This can be important for internal security standards, but also for compliance with insurance law requirements and, in case of doubt, can help in the investigation of criminal offences.